My job at Vodafone has been extended so I’ll be working at least until the end of next week, and possibly longer, since our Supervisor says he’s taken a look at the work queue and it’s still rather full. I’m not complaining since the money’s good, but it is getting duller and duller. The company is good though: my group has had the best supervisors (one who loves action/gangster/japanese films, and one who loves computer games & hi-tech kit), and Toby & Gem have been keeping me sane, whether it’s verbal sparring, flirting (that’d be me and Toby!) or just chatting about the most trivially insignificant things we can come up with (such as people wishing to end their phone contracts because they didn’t get the nectar points they expected…)
Well, to break the boredom I’ve been making wallpapers to brighten up my work desktop, including a kill bill replica made entirely using Microsoft Paint! The current one is my favourite and may amuse a few of you, so here is my Yodafone wallpaper. What!? They should give me more interesting work…
As for spending this (hard earned?) cash, I made a sizable dent today by buying up Seasons 1 & 3 of Angel on DVD. In fact that means I know own £210 of Angel DVDs: that’s 18 DVDs and 2910 minutes! Actually I didn’t pay nearly that much, since I bought very good condition second hand copies from Gamestation: it’s worth taking a look over their DVD stock as there’s some interesting stuff in there, including another Japanese film for my collection – “Beat” Takeshi’s directorial debut Violent Cop. And I finally managed to get the Echo & The Bunnymen 4-CD box set that I’ve been after for about 2 years now. HMV just happened to get a copy in (last time, once I managed to get the money together, Virgin helpfully sold off their only copy about a week before I could buy it).
So, off to Gareth Kay’s party this evening. It’ll be slightly weird since I’ll know a bunch of the Whitgiftians from the year below me, but possibly no one else, unless the Old Palace girls turn up like last time. Actually, even weirder will be the fact that the last time I was there was with a certain young girl…memories I’d rather not bring back.
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