Many of you were wondering, I’m sure, whether being in a relationship this year would transform me into a submissive paragon of servitude before the altar of commercial amour this February 14th. Yeah right. I’m just lucky to have found someone who shares my loathing of the commercialisation of love, crystalising with the plastic romance of Valentine’s day. That’s not the only reason I’m lucky, I feel compelled to point out before I receive complaints. For us, other than a few small romantic gestures, it’s mostly an excuse to eat good, expensive food. Of course, other people take the whole affair a lot more seriously, while still others remain actively engaged against the idea to such lengths that its continued success is virtually guaranteed. Meanwhile security experts suggest you desist from opening any Valentine’s Day related mail because it could be a virus. I recommend you also avoid opening your door today since there’s a moderate chance of rain.
City law firm Dechert have offered me summer work which I’m keen to accept. Upon seeing me return from the interview TomTom inferred that my snazzy shirt and tie combination would guarantee me a place — apparently he was right.
If you are not otherwise engaged in some romantic liaison this evening, don’t forget to check out the continuing adventures of Lej in Beauty and the Geek on E4.
17 February 2006 at 3:40 pm
Valentine’s Day is most certainly pointless and arbitrary (sort of like Administrative Assistants Day, eh?).
BUT because of this day, I made my sister cry with tears of utter happiness. *wins*