The weeks have become something of a blur as law school races towards its inevitable conclusion: revision. The weekends have provided a welcome relief, we’ve been making the most of the fact Irina is around — we’ve seen Andy and her for the last three weekends running. Two weeks ago was what most people would refer to as a “glorious heatwave”. It was actually quite pleasant to lounge around in a sunny Hyde Park, and since they live nearby, Andy and Irina were able to guide us to a relatively uncrowded spot. We were disturbed only by two amusing drunks staggering past shortly after midday, and a strange woman who seemed to be watching people from inside the foliage of a bush. And of course Will who joined us later on.
Will was also around for poker a week later, the Downing heavy crowd certainly bringing back memories. I was sans Kirsten for the evening but it was great fun and the first time I have ever seen a hand of four aces come up, much less have it happen to me! Unfortunately Will had already folded or I might have made some serious money out of that (well, chips at any rate). Being a Sunday, though, night we didn’t party too hard and it was a fairly early night for all.
Finally yesterday Andy and Irina joined us at the flat for a uni-style night of pizza, American Dad! and Family Guy
. The Bond-themed Tearjerker episode is highly recommended.
Today was the Christening of my cousin Ro’s baby, Jake. I had not realised quite how difficult Hackney was to get to from West London, and I find myself keener and keener to move further in. The problem is that I don’t really want to compromise on the quality of the flat after finding a place like this. Equally the current housing market isn’t exactly the most stable proposition.
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