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The Life of P

Tag: keggfest

Keggfest 2012

By now Keggfest, the annual post-Easter celebration of chocolatey delights, should require no introduction. This year’s Keggfest actually took place about two weeks ago but I only just got round to checking out the photos, most of which are actually other people’s handiwork as my camera drifted between hands over the course of the night. The third year running of the London-based Keggfest, it now has as many years under its belt as its Cantabrigian predecessor. In the spirit of the past year’s democratic uprisings β€” and because of the problems caused by last year‘s late date-change β€” the actual date fell to a vote, which means I cannot be held responsible (no matter what the absent Kirsten may claim). It resulted in a good turnout over the course of the evening, though no one traveled quite as far as last year when we had guests from N. Ireland and the USA.

“The Keggteorite”, my sculpture for this year was a cake-based diorama with an alien object having plummeted to Earth, cracking open and spilling its, um, buttons. Admittedly it doesn’t quite challenge this record-breaking 8000kg masterpiece (maybe we can book them next year?). Whilst the traditional wine and chocolate binge continued as normal, there was slightly less chocolatey destruction with the exception of a certain incident involving a telescopic vacuum cleaner pipe and a refrigerated Kegg. As the kids say: standard. I’m already looking forward to next year’s bash.

Keggfest 2011

Last year saw Keggfest’s triumphant return after a few year’s post-uni hiatus. This year’s successful continuation finds it firmly entrenching itself once more in the annual calendar. We had a great turn-out despite battling a last-minute date-change and signalling problems between Cambridge and London which left some guests stranded literally on the wrong side of the tracks.

The freely flowing chocolate and wine combination was as successful a formula as ever, while other activities including the traditional keggstacking as well as chocolate bunny mutilation, led by Angie wielding a hot knife like a crazed surgeon. I think it can be said that Irina was less than impressed.

As Keggfest continues to expand beyond its initial confines in Downing (Keggfest’s name is derived from K-Bar, the bar in my room, situated in K staircase in the first and third years) we had several new “firsts”. Since I share a flat with her, I had always expected Anna to be the first attendee from the Other Place. As she missed last year’s and was late this year, she was surprisingly beaten to that honour by Fifi who is now PhD-ing there. Scott was our first transatlantic guest, so there’s no excuse for those of you Stateside not to make it next year when we throw open wider invitations! Finally, a well-deserved shout-out to Dave who came the greatest distance on the day, travelling over from Northern Ireland after impulse-buying a flight at Tom and Lyds’ wedding the weekend before (yes, there will be photos soon…).

Here’s a handful of photos for those who missed out.

Keggfest 2010

Kegg: (n) Easter egg (or other related chocolate product) purchased cheaply in the clearance sales after Easter.

Keggfest: (n) Traditional celebration of chocolate occurring shortly after Easter. Centres around the consuming (and sometimes stacking) of Keggs. Considered to oppose the commercialisation of Easter.

Last week marked the return of Keggfest to the Eastertide calendar. A tradition I started back at uni, it faltered someone once we left Cambridge. A successful, small-scale return hopefully means it will once more become an annual event. Tom G was the first “outsider” to partake (providing not just chocolate but also home brew with a hint of chili). Sadly Icelandic volcanoes conspired to keep Anna away, so the indoctrination of someone from the Other Place still awaits.

There is little else to say so, instead, here is a mini-gallery with 6000 words worth of pictures:

"Civilization now depends on self-deception. Perhaps it always has."

(CC) BY-NC 2004-2024 Priyan Meewella

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