It has to be done all CG because I would not know how to shoot this thing in real.
-Roland Emmerich on adapting Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series
Of course you don’t. That’s because you’re a talentless hack who doesn’t actually know how to shoot a movie without special effects to bedazzle the viewer and cover it up. His last two films didn’t even bother with words in the title, opting instead for numbers to explain when their respective special effects are set (that’s 2012 and 10,000 BC for those keeping track). Given that Asimov’s work is about simple but thought-provoking ideas and their logical extension, special effects are the least important aspect in adapting it for the screen.
As one of the finest science fiction writers in history, it’s a shame to see that I, Robot is apparently the low benchmark being set for film adaptations. Apologists keep trying to suggest that it’s a perfectly adequate sci-fi action film which would be fine if they had gone with any other title rather than shoehorning Asimov’s name and three laws onto an existing script that bears no resemblance to his story at all, in a vague attempt to engender some sort of geek cred. Robots running haywire and revolting against their human creators is exactly what Asimov didn’t write. In this instance Maddox’s belligerent ramblings are remarkably accurate too. Sadly the choice of director suggests the Foundation adaptation, which initially excited me, is heading down exactly the same route. The bottom line is that if you haven’t read Foundation, please do. But be very wary of the film.
Google’s Buzz represents the company’s first move into social networking, integrated into Gmail. Most people are describing it as “sort of like Twitter”, which is quite accurate. The added convenience is one less account to sign into if you’re a Gmail user, but then most people likely to take it up are already invested in Twitter. While I’m unlikely at present to use it directly, the most attractive feature is that it acts as an aggregator importing everything I post to Twitter and share via Google Reader, so that readers can access all that content in one place, whether or not they use either service themselves.