Meewella | Fragments

The Life of P


New yearThe start of a new term is always hectic, but this has been something else. I quickly settled into my new room in M staircase which proved to be much larger than the box I was expecting. In fact, being a more intelligent shape, it actually feels more spacious than my old one, though I’m still bitter about losing such a perfect view. Friends in houses on Lensfield have been popping over regularly, so it’s never too quiet, and I know a lot of the third years around me anyway. It’s a good bunch of people and an excellent kitchen — two ovens, two grills and eight hobs, so much cooking mayhem will ensue, no doubt. The only downside is the tropical sauna that is my bathroom, since the hot water pipes for upstairs run through it, and the shower which resembles being spat on repeatedly. All in all though, I very much landed on my feet given that I was so low in the rooms ballot.

New roomMeanwhile the freshers have been filling Downing for the last few days, partying hard and generally proving to be a fairly energetic bunch. I’ve met both my kids now, and Family Night yesterday was a pretty riotous affair. Since only Narinder could make it (Anton was unavailable as it was Jewish New Year) Charlotte and I hooked up with Lyds and Ravi’s family and were also joined by Dave and Angie’s (along with Annabel as Dave’s mistress). We ate at Ereina’s, a fantastic little restaurant that looks decidedly odd at first glance, and it’s headache-inducing menu serves food of virtually every style imaginable. Run by a Greek family, unsuprisingly the Greek dishes are probably the best on offer. We then headed on to Club Twenty Two (which used to be Life – Cambridge clubs have a strange habit of constantly rebranding themselves while the old names stick; we still refer to one as Cindy’s despite the fact it has never been called that during our time here!) to finish off the evening.

Today, amidst sorting out Ball website issues (after a panicked phone call from Rav yesterday saying, “we’ve been handing out flyers with the address on so we need the website up…now!”) and Globalist logitics, I had to meet all of my supervisors in a weird mystery tour of Cambridge, and suddenly I discovered how much of Cambridge I still didn’t know as I trekked from Downing to Magdalene to Downing to the Lauterpacht Centre to Downing to Fitzwilliam and back to Downing. The mayhem felt much like the freshers’ pub crawl but without the alcoholic incentive. This year’s shaping up to be a lot tougher. I think Hoppo described last year well when said, “You certainly didn’t disgrace yourself but you didn’t exactly excel yourself either. Go for the first this year?” He and Virgo still seem remarkably confident in my capabilities and I suppose I should trust their experience since they’ve been doing this for several decades…

New wormsLastly, when checking my mail yesterday, I found a package containing a PS2 ethernet card along with a copy of Worms 4: Mayhem. Very nice, but not exactly useful since I don’t have a PS2. It looks as though it was sent to me by Codemasters, the developers, so I can only assume it was part of some promotional competition I entered a long while back (probably trying to win the console). Either that or they want me to review it. Unfortunately without the requisite machine all I can tell you is that the disc is very shiny. If you think all this should be yours instead, let me know why in the comments and I’ll see what I can do…


  1. Your beloved cousin J

    8 October 2005 at 9:58 pm

    Er I know I’ve slipped into second place. But the ethernet card would look spiffing with my PS2 😀 . Btw my PC decided to go into a coma and die slowly (well while trying to process masses of spyware thats crippled it). So I don’t have access to the net at the mo. But no fear I’ll be returning with an ultra good PC. Yeh 3ghz and 256MB of ATi Power woot!

  2. If no-one wants the Worms 4 game then I’ll have it. Even though there’s no chance of it being as good as Worms 2.


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"Civilization now depends on self-deception. Perhaps it always has."

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