Dear Liberal America,
You’ve woken up with one hell of a post-election hangover and piecing the night together is beginning to feel pretty horrific. There is a lot to process. You feel like a stranger in your own country. You feel worried about the future. You can’t work out whether you feel sad or angry or disappointed in your fellow citizens. I know this because we have just gone through the same thing following the shock result of our own Brexit referendum. As a result, several friends have asked me how on earth they deal with this, when it seems like there is no way to move forward. Here are some tips from our experience.

Do not go to sleep and assume it will be better in the morning. I promise it will be a little more bearable the second morning, but it is going to suck for weeks.
Surround yourself with like-minded friends right now. Alcohol helps. Drink together. Cry together. And laugh together.
Laughter is important. In the darkest of times, we humans are capable of finding humour. The alternative is despair and that leads nowhere good.
Understand why people were willing to vote this way. This may be the most important thing. The easy response is to dismiss them all as bigots or racists or misogynists. But we are talking about millions of people. It’s complex and a lot has led to this. People have felt disenfranchised and hopeless (just as you do right now) for decades. We need to address this to prevent this from happening again.
People will tell you to move on, you lost. This time they are wrong. Understand that this was not just another election where half the country feels upset. This was something much starker, which reveals far more about the depth of division within your society.
Be ready because this result will leave a minority of bigots and racists and misogynists feeling vindicated. They will spew hateful bile in the next few days that you never expected. But it will be finite. They are not going to win and we are still moving in the other direction. If you are lucky enough to be white or a man or heterosexual, do not allow this behaviour to go unchecked. Remind every minority that, whatever Trump may say, your society does not accept hatred as normal. They remain welcome. They remain one of you.
Seek unity. It will seem hard right now but, like it or not, you are all in this together for the next four years. Hillary suggested you give Trump a chance to lead and she is right. Division only makes you weaker.
Above all, remember that one man and one election does not define your country or our society. You all do. It is a struggle that goes on.
This is all I can offer. I hope it helps a little, that it ignites a spark of hope. And, if it does, share that hope with others.
With commiserations,
Your Transatlantic Cousins
9 November 2016 at 9:49 pm
Love you P
Thanks for the support.
10 November 2016 at 12:42 am
Well said Priyan! Fully agree
10 November 2016 at 2:32 am
Words I need to hear right about now. Thanks, P.