Meewella | Fragments

The Life of P

Highly Compatible

The whole social networking lark throws up quirky moments from time to time, such as now informing me that apparently I have a high musical compatibility with Neil Gaiman. Quite how this has any bearing on the real world I am unsure, but it’s still nice to know. Since I now stream a lot of media to my living room via the Xbox 360, no longer really provides an accurate picture of what I’m listening to. Mind you, music played on portable devices while travelling was never recorded either, so it was hardly angling for a high degree of accuracy to begin with. The inherent advantage of an open platform for console development is that it would allow for such small applications to be ported over, but this is totally contrary to the current business model so for now that’s a pipe dream.

When it comes to technology, and in particular mobile phones, it is no secret that I like big swanky screens. However I also really like the tactile feedback of buttons which has made me reluctant to buy into any of the first generation touchscreen devices which shun any form of old-fashioned clicking. Now Sony Ericsson’s fusion in the new XPERIA X1 (which in fairness is rumoured to have been designed by the folks at HTC) looks like it might just steal my heart.

There has been a flood of mobile announcements with the Mobile World Congress kicking off in Barcelona. If full keyboards aren’t your cup of tea SE‘s new G series “touchscreen organisers” are worth a look, while Nokia’s high-end flagship model gets an upgrade in the N96.


  1. I know this has nothing to do with the post, but SPORE HAS A RELEASE DATE AT LOOOONG LAST!!!! YAY!

  2. Finally! I had missed that. There still seems to be unconfirmed speculation regarding console release on the PS3 and 360. I have to say I thin the transition should work pretty well, particularly with the Xbox Live platform for sharing species and planets with other users.

    Spore would also provide opportunity for some particularly creative achievements. You know, like the “Appetite” achievement for evolving a species with more than ten mouths, or the “Appetiser” achievement for evolving a species that is eaten by more than ten others…

  3. *does the Spore dance*

    Please don’t let it slip to 2009.

  4. You are such an achievement whore :p

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"Civilization now depends on self-deception. Perhaps it always has."

(CC) BY-NC 2004-2024 Priyan Meewella

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