Meewella | Fragments

The Life of P

Enter The Pig

PigletHappy Chinese New Year to you all. Angie (and several others) are hard at work in the kitchen preparing a veritable feast for the corridor’s collective celebration this evening. If I were the sort of person who actually puts on weight I imagine I would have picked up a few stone by the end of this weekend with the combined detrimental health effects of last night’s delectable kleftiko and tonight’s culinary festivities which include sushi, dumplings and multiple varieties of satay. Good thing I don’t, really.

Recently I’ve dabbled in the new offerings for webmasters from Yahoo! and Google. Both Yahoo! Site Explorer and Google Webmaster Tools offer site owners a way to delve into the wealth of information stored in their respective search indexes. Okay, so in fairness it’s hardly a wealth of information compared to that offered by traffic analysis products, but it does allow you to browse external links that point to your site. Surprisingly the Yahoo! index was actually more comprehensive when it came to sites linking to mine, although a few were out of date. Google’s interface seems slightly more accessible. Both services, however, informed me that apparently Copernic came across my review of their Desktop Search product and are now quoting from it themselves.

And finally I also got a mention on the latest GameSpot UK podcast (at around 14:45 if you’re interested) with some thoughts on the “original title vs. franchises” debate.


  1. So in what way are you mentioned?

  2. Well I was mentioned by name regarding comments I made about that debate from the previous week.

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"Civilization now depends on self-deception. Perhaps it always has."

(CC) BY-NC 2004-2024 Priyan Meewella

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