Those who read via feeds won’t have noticed, but the sidebar navigation has undergone some major changes over the last week. Here’s a quick rundown of what’s new and what’s gone. Tagging replaced the old category system about two months ago, so the transition is complete now with the removal of the category listing and the introduction of a “tag cloud” which represents the most common tags by a larger font size. There is also a new Tag Cloud page which displays a cloud with all the tags use on this site. Bear in mind that older posts probably won’t be retrospectively tagged beyond the ones used to test the system. Remember that the Archives still provide a convenient way to browse and find old posts.
Also gone is the Event Calendar which has been dormant for quite a while. Away from university it has become less useful since people and events are now far more spread out. In its place is now a large feed icon which should make subscribing much easier. I still recommend reading posts via the site itself, but the feed is a perfect way to see when new posts are added.
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