Meewella | Fragments

The Life of P

Cinco de Mayo

Downing was the only sensible option, but the committee didn’t sit on their laurels, instead delivering an experience that combined all the successful and established features of a Cambridge Ball with the new to make it a thoroughly enjoyable night.

The entire Ball Committee was certainly pleased with TCS’s overwhelmingly positive review. In particular Jing must be ecstatic at the entire paragraph dedicated to food, which had previous received some criticism. As expected the chief flaw was the chilly weather, somewhat out of our control but even more must be done to rememdy it in future. Dave’s team is fast coming together but I hear there may be a few spots left, so if you’re interested in getting involved speak to either him or Angie fast.

I preface what I am about to say by stating that Cinco de Mayo is in itself legitimate, a celebration of Mexican independence. It is not, I ought to point out, “Mexican Independence Day”, as it is often misrepresented (that was declared on the 15th September 1810) but rather a commemoration of the historic Battle of Puebla against French forces in 1862. But someone ought to inform those of the USA that being able to say the date in another language is not actually cause for a holiday. Especially if you don’t even know what it is.

In exam term, procrastination is paramount in the sanity struggle, so I consider it something of a community service to direct you to Four Second Fury, a WarioWare-style game incorporating a host of simple 4-second games. The object is to survive as long as possible, completing these rapid-fire tasks. Its addictiveness is a given. And if, for some reason, you’re a fan of Deal Or No Deal? and such trivialities amuse you, I believe this alternative will hold your attention.

And in closing I offer a ray of hope for the summer ahead. Two rays, in fact. The first is in the form a blonde-haired 007, as Daniel Craig reinvents Bond in Casino Royale. The second is in the highly polished iconic form of The Man of Steel. Superman Returns is looking far stronger than rival X3 at the moment for the simple reason that Bryan Singer seems to inherently understand both mediums, that of comicbook and that of film, enabling him to direct the transition with a skill not evidenced in most recent adaptations.

1 Comment

  1. once again woo woo and well done the ball committee! Still due a varsity review aren’t you? Think there was some mix up so it didn’t get into the first one.

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"Civilization now depends on self-deception. Perhaps it always has."

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