A nice way of describing the current site coding is “a little untidy”. More accurately it’s dirty. Like mud, only without the redemptive possibility of scantily clad women wrestling in it at some point in the future. Removing the frames and updating the code for Firefox was really a bit of a botch job, using XHTML 1.0 Transitional (which is inherently messy to begin with) along with smatterings of CSS. Since reworking the site will involve modifying every page, I figure now is as good a time as any for a complete overhaul. It’s been a fairly daunting task as I don’t want to lose any of the old entries, but work is already well under way. Changes are afoot…

The girl who bumped into meLast night was an unofficial Vodafone reunion at Walkabout. Toby, Kiran, Ray, Other Toby, and Rosh (who was after my time) were all there. Gemma C happened to be around so it was great to catch up with her again too, now a fully fledged Estate Agent working six days a week (a far cry from the girl whose main ambition used to be teaching me to be lazier while avoiding work – what can I say, I was a good student). We ended up feeling rather old as we reminisced about the good ol’ temping days when life was easy and beer was cheap. Strangely Ross, who used to be our desk manager, happened to be there too! Mark was also out with the usual thatnite.com crowd. Finished off the night with food, KFC for me and a meatball sub for Toby (which he reliably informs me has approximately a gazillion calories). It was a fun night with much drink, much revelry, and much chicken on the way home.

The Vodafone Crew