“Don’t say Mexican, just standoff.”
Joaquim Wolfson
An unexpected adaptation of the VR social deduction videogame, Werewolves Within shows what can be achieved from a wafer-thin premise with good casting and a light, witty script (by the aptly named Mishna Wolff). Having the new ranger Finn introduced to the isolated rural town of Beaverfield by mail carrier Cecily, editorialising with local gossip, provides an efficient way to flesh out the backstories of its colourful inhabitants, swiftly propelling us to the mysterious attacks. The film shines in group scenes that mirror the game, as acrimonious accusations and increasingly wild theories begin to fly. Unfortunately for a horror comedy, the horror elements are weak, confined to largely predictable jump scares and a little gore, and the humour is inconsistent. Its strongest asset is the sweetly deadpan Milana Vayntrub (whom American audiences will recognise from the long-running AT&T ad campaign but some may know from her offbeat YouTube interview show). Werewolves Within is unlikely to be remembered beyond a few lunar cycles, but it does provide enjoyable light entertainment.