(aka Irish Dave, The Leprechaun)

Meet DaveWhilst officially living in Kenny, Dave became somewhat enamoured with the first letter of his residence and unofficially moved into K staircase (spending so much time here that K resident Charlotte had not realised he doesn’t live here), eventually acquiring his own room after discovering the existence of a bathroom about which none of the actual residents had known. It seemed only fair that it be donated to him. His girlfriend Cara in St. Andrews is currently our most regular outside visitor (albeit with a grand total of 2 visits). Meanwhile, in college terms, Dave is engaged to Angela (whom you have yet to meet due to her reluctance to pose for photos). A co-writer of last term’s Pantomime, Dave also played the wonderful character of Mr. Whippy (complete with whip). Dave was a co-founder of the secretive and as yet un-unveiled Condomino’s Delivery Service project which may (or may not) surface in the near future.

Usual facial expression: vacant
Alcohol tolerance: professional lightweight
Whipping experience: grade 6